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United Medical Group (GEMC) US91085A2033 depositary receipt OTC (USD)

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Quotes by Market Participants

Index description

The index value is an indicative value (mid) calculated on the basis of indicative data (bid/ask price) in the OTC market for UNITED MEDICAL GROUP (GEMC) ) provided by market participants. The calculation of the indicative value (mid) is taken as the arithmetic mean between bid and ask (in the presence of both values) or equal to the value of bid or ask (in the presence of only one of the values).

List of securities for index calculation

The composition of the index list

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Subgroup indices

Index Current value Date
CIAN (CIAN) US83418T1088 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 8.38 USD 29/05/2024
Etalon Group (ETLN) depositary receipt OTC (USD) 0.8 USD 10/05/2024
FIX Price (81CM) US33835G1067 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 3 USD 17/04/2024
FIX Price (FIXP) US33835G2057 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 2.11 USD 29/05/2024
Globaltrans Investment PLC (GLTR) US37949E2046 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 6.9 USD 29/05/2024
HeadHunter (HHRU) US42207L1061 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 40 USD 29/05/2024
MD Medical Group (MDMG) US55279C2008 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 9 USD 17/04/2024
MMC Norilsk Nickel (MNOD) US55315J1025 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 0.9 USD 26/03/2024
MTS(MTS) US6074091090 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 1.8 USD 24/05/2024
NLMK (NLMK) US67011E2046 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 2.7 USD 24/05/2024
Novatek (NVTK) US6698881090 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 76 USD 29/05/2024
OZON (OZON) US69269L1044 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 38.25 USD 29/05/2024
Phosagro (PHOR) US71922G2093 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 8.7 USD 10/05/2024
Phosagro US71922G3083 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 8.7 USD 26/03/2024
Polymetal International (POLY) JE00B6T5S470 ordinary share OTC (USD) 3.54 USD 17/04/2024
Polyus (PLZA) US73181M1099 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 33.21 USD 17/04/2024
ROS AGRO plc (AGRO) US7496552057 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 10.5 USD 10/05/2024
TCS Group (TCS) US87238U2033 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 22.15 USD 26/03/2024
TCS Group (TCSA) US87238U1043 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 27.32 USD 17/04/2024
Tatneft (ATAD) US8766292051 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 13.5 USD 10/05/2024
United Medical Group (GEMC) US91085A2033 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 6.32 USD 17/04/2024
VK Company (VKCO) US5603172082 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 4.8 USD 07/11/2023
X5 Retail Group (FIVE) US98387E2054 depositary receipt OTC (USD) 27 USD 29/05/2024
Yandex (YNDX) NL0009805522 share ОТС (USD) 13 USD 29/05/2024
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