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Cbonds pages: Cbonds EM

Organization name
Cbonds Emerging Markets
Country name
United Arab Emirates
Country of registration
Other Financial Institutions
Bond debt

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full data on over 700 000 bonds, stocks & ETFs; powerful bond screener; over 350 pricing sources among stock exchanges & OTC market; ratings & financial reports; user-friendly interface; available anywhere via Website, Excel Add-in and Mobile app.



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Cbonds-EM (https://cbonds.com/bonds/ ) is a website of Cbonds dedicated to the Eurobond market of EM.

Cbonds-EM offers the most comprehensive database of government, municipal, corporate Eurobonds of EM countries, including convertible and mortgage bonds, structured products as well as sukuk and green bonds.

The entire EM bond database covers 101 countries and includes more than 7 thousandissues of 1700 issuers.

On our website, you can find daily Eurobond quotes not only from more than 65 international stock exchanges (Swiss, Frankfurt, Berlin, London Stock Exchange, etc.), but also indicative quotes from leading market participants (VSP Securities, Mashreq Bank, etc.) and Cbonds Valuation quotes.

Data available on the website includes:
- credit ratings of issuers and issues assigned international rating agencies (Standard & Poor`s, Moody`s, Fitch Ratings)

- key market indices and indicators, incl. volume of internetional-bond market of emerging countries, expected redemption volume of international bonds, EMCI, IRS, CDS, exchange rates, etc.

- macro-economic surveys and debt, money and currency markets research from top investment banks.

- league tables and rankings: issuer and bookrunners rankings, legal adviser league tables.

In addition, the website provides auxiliary tools to help manage your bond portfolio:
- Watchlist
- Bond Calculator
- Events Calendar.

The information at Cbonds-EM is available in English, Polish and Italian.





Bond debt by currency

Credit and ESG Ratings

Macroeconomic Indicators - Cbonds EM

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