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BADLAR en pesos de bancos privados

Category — Rates
BADLAR en pesos de bancos privados - is the most commonly used interest rate from the BADLAR group of rates (abbreviation from Spanish, Buenos Aires Deposits of Large Amount Rate).

The BADLAR en pesos de bancos privados rate is defined as the volume-weighted average interest rate for term deposits in private banks in Argentina of more than one million Argentine pesos for a period of 30 to 35 days. Calculated daily by the Central Bank of Argentina based on a sample of rates in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) and Greater Buenos Aires (GBA).

In addition to this, the BADLAR group also includes rates calculated on the basis of the deposit rates in pesos in public banks (BADLAR en Pesos de Bancos Publicos) and rates calculated on the basis of dollar deposits in private (BADLAR en dolares de bancos privados) and commercial (BADLAR en dolares de bancos publicos) banks. In practice, these 3 rates are practically not used on the Argentinian debt market.

BADLAR en pesos de bancos privados is used to determine interest on mortgages when using a variable rate, and to determine coupon payments on floating rate bonds denominated in Argentinian pesos.
Examples of bonds using BADLAR en pesos de bancos privados as the base for the floating coupon rate:
ALZ Semillas, FRN 2jun2022
IMPSA, FRN 30dec2025
Calzetta, FRN 23jan2022
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