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Domestic bonds: Rosneft, 003P-02 (4B02-02-00122-A-003P, RU000A102EE4, Роснфт3P02)

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400,000,000,000 RUB
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  • Amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • Placement amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • Outstanding amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • USD equivalent
    4,538,502,384.98 USD
  • Face value
    1,000 RUB
  • ISIN
  • CFI
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    ROSNRM F 11/14/30 3P02

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Issue information

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and is included in the list of the largest oil and gas companies globally in terms of reserves and production of liquid hydrocarbons. The operating structure of ...
Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and is included in the list of the largest oil and gas companies globally in terms of reserves and production of liquid hydrocarbons. The operating structure of Rosneft includes companies of three large segments: exploration and production of hydrocarbons (oil, gas, gas condensate); their processing and marketing; service. The enterprises of the NK Rosneft Group are present in more than 20 countries of the world.

The first mentions of the companies that are part of the group today appeared at the end of the 19th century. The main assets were created during the USSR period. In September 1995, the state enterprise Rosneft was reorganized into OJSC Rosneft. Over the next ten years, the company consolidated its oil production and refining assets.

In 2006, Rosneft held an IPO on the LSE. The placement volume reached $10.7 billion, and the IPO became the largest in Russia and the fifth largest in the world. Oil and gas companies BP from the UK, Petronas from Malaysia, and CNPC from China became major investors. For the first time, individuals took part in an IPO in Russia (the first so-called "people's IPO" ): more than 150 thousand Russian citizens invested over $750 million in Rosneft shares.

In 2013, Rosneft closed the deal to acquire TNK-BP, thereby becoming the largest publicly traded oil and gas company globally in terms of reserves and production volumes. In 2016, an integral deal was completed to privatize a 19.5% stake in Rosneft and a controlling stake in Bashneft. As a result, 1.04 trillion rubles were transferred to the state budget of the Russian Federation.

Rosneft's business includes geological exploration and production of hydrocarbons, as well as oil refining in Russia and other countries. The company has a developed retail network of filling stations in Russia and several CIS countries and is also expanding its oil trading activities on the international market. In 2020, the Vostok Oil megaproject for the development of oil fields in Taimyr was launched.

In 2001, Rosneft issued the first LPN Eurobonds for $150 million at 12.75% per annum; the Dutch bank ABN AMRO acted as SPV, which, in the early 2000s, also organized the majority of Rosneft's syndicated loans. In October 2012, Rosneft debuted on the Russian domestic bond market with two tranches of 10-year bonds totaling 20 billion rubles. The coupon rate for the first five years of circulation was fixed at 8.6% per annum. A month later, in November 2012, the company placed two tranches of debut Eurobonds to finance the takeover of TNK-BP: $1 billion for five years at 3.149% per annum and $2 billion for ten years at 4.199% per annum. After debuting on the Eurobond market in 2012, Rosneft had no loans on the international market. The company refinances its debt mainly through the placement of ruble bonds on the Russian Federation's domestic market.

The company is known for its large private placements of bond issues, which often exceed the volume of placements of all other corporate issuers combined in Russia for the whole year. In December 2014, Rosneft placed 14 tranches of bonds for 625 billion rubles at 11.9% per annum to be used as collateral in repo transactions with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Since then, the company has periodically refinanced these issues, placing bonds for 600-800 billion rubles a day.
  • Announced amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • Placement amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • Outstanding amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • Outstanding face value amount
    400,000,000,000 RUB
  • USD equivalent
    4,538,502,385 USD
Face value
  • Face value
    1,000 RUB
  • Outstanding face value
    *** RUB
  • Listing

Cash flow parameters

  • Variable rate type
    Fix to Float
  • Reference rate
  • Coupon Rate
  • Day count convention
  • Business Day Convention
    Following Business Day
  • Interest Accrual Date
  • Coupon frequency
    *** time(s) per year
  • Payment currency
  • Maturity date

Early redemption terms


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  • Placement method
    Open subscription
  • Placement type
  • Placement format
    Book building
  • Order book
    *** (***) - *** (***)
  • Placement
    *** - ***
  • Initial issue price (yield)
  • Number of trades on stock exchange
  • Geographic breakdown
  • Investor breakdown
  • Bookrunner
  • Depository

Conversion and exchange

  • Conversion terms

The Bank of Russia Lombard list

  • Date of inclusion on the list
  • CBR correction coefficient
  • Discount up to 6 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount from 7 to 14 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount from 21 to 371 days (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount up to 6 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount from 7 to 14 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount from 15 to 90 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount from 91 to 180 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***
  • Discount from 180 to 365 days
    (start / min / max)
    *** / *** / ***

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  • State registration number
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  • Date of program registration
  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • CFI
  • Issue short name on trading floor
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    ROSNRM F 11/14/30 3P02
  • Type of security by CBR


Bond classification

  • Rank: Undefined
  • Non-documentary bonds
  • Exchange bonds
  • Coupon bonds
  • Bearer
  • Non-Marketable Securities
  • Amortization
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  • Retail bonds
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  • Structured product
  • Commercial Bonds
  • Subordinated
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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