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Domestic bonds: Mondelez International, 4.625% 3jul2031, CAD (CA609207BD62)

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Foreign bonds, Senior Unsecured

650,000,000 CAD
Redemption (put/call option)
*** (-)
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Yield / Duration
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  • Placement amount
    650,000,000 CAD
  • Outstanding amount
    650,000,000 CAD
  • USD equivalent
    473,195,305.9 USD
  • Face value
    1,000 CAD
  • ISIN
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    MDLZ 4.625 07/03/31

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Issue information

Mondelez International Inc. is a food and beverage company. The Company manufactures and markets packaged food products, including snacks, beverages, cheese, convenient meals and various packaged grocery products. Mondelez International sells its products throughout the world.
  • Placement amount
    650,000,000 CAD
  • Outstanding amount
    650,000,000 CAD
  • Outstanding face value amount
    650,000,000 CAD
  • USD equivalent
    473,195,306 USD
Face value
  • Face value
    1,000 CAD
  • Outstanding face value
    *** CAD
  • Increment
    *** CAD
  • Listing

Cash flow parameters

  • Reference rate
  • Coupon Rate
  • Day count convention
  • Interest Accrual Date
  • Coupon frequency
    *** time(s) per year
  • Payment currency
  • Maturity date

Early redemption terms


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  • Placement method
    Open subscription
  • Placement type
  • Placement
  • Initial issue price (yield)
  • Geographic breakdown
  • Investor breakdown
  • The purpose of placing
    The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the sale of the Notes for general corporate purposes, which may include among others, the repayment of outstanding commercial paper borrowings and other debt.
  • Bookrunner
    ***, ***, ***, ***
  • Depository

Conversion and exchange

  • Conversion terms

Additional information

Latest issues


  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • FIGI
  • Ticker
    MDLZ 4.625 07/03/31
  • Type of security by CBR


Bond classification

  • Senior Unsecured
  • Coupon bonds
  • Foreign bonds
  • Amortization
  • Callable
  • CDO
  • Convertible
  • Dual currency bonds
  • Variable rate
  • For qualified investors (CIS region)
  • Green bonds
  • Guaranteed
  • Inflation-linked principal
  • Supranational bond issues
  • Inflation-linked coupon
  • Mortgage bonds
  • Perpetual
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Non-Marketable Securities
  • Redemption Linked
  • Restructuring
  • Retail bonds
  • Covered
  • Securitization
  • Structured product
  • Commercial Bonds
  • Subordinated
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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