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Domestic bonds: Gazprombank, 005P-12P (4B02-12-00354-B-005P, RU000A108VL0, ГПБ005P12P)

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19,390,000 RUB
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*** (-)
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  • Amount
    15,000,000,000 RUB
  • Placement amount
    19,390,000 RUB
  • Outstanding amount
    19,390,000 RUB
  • USD equivalent
    220,464.67 USD
  • Face value
    1,000 RUB
  • ISIN
  • CFI

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Issue information

Gazprombank has been successfully operating in the banking market since 1990. Founded by the world's largest gas producer and exporter Gazprom to provide banking services for gas industry enterprises, since then Gazprombank has become one of ...
Gazprombank has been successfully operating in the banking market since 1990. Founded by the world's largest gas producer and exporter Gazprom to provide banking services for gas industry enterprises, since then Gazprombank has become one of the leaders of the banking sector, which key performance indicators place the Bank among the top three banks of Russia. Gazprombank as a universal financial institution delivers a wide range of banking and investment services covering over 45,000 corporate and about 3 million private clients. Gazprombank invests and lends to companies of major sectors of the economy oil and petrochemical industry, metallurgy, machine building, nuclear industry, electric power industry, real estate construction, transport, telecommunications and trade. Diversified client base enables a strong growth of a corporate loan portfolio and the retail business also shows sustainable growth. Despite of a rapid growth of the loan portfolio, efficient risk policy and prudent approach to borrowers allow the Bank to maintain a ratio of problem and non-performing loans at the lowest level among the largest Russian banks. Gazprombank actively develops areas closely related to the investment business. Besides strategic investments to oil-and-gas, petrochemical industries, and media-business, in Russia Gazprombank occupies leading positions in transactions in the capital markets (bonds underwriting, arranging financing for clients), corporate finance advisory and project finance. At present, Gazprombank operates 8 subsidiary and affiliated banks in Russia, Belarus, Switzerland and Armenia, representative offices in China and Mongolia, and also 43 own branches across Russia from Kaliningrad in the west to Youzhno-Sakhalinsk in the east. The total number of offices delivering customer friendly high-quality banking and depository services under the single brand name of Gazprombank exceeds 500. Steady development and high reliability was rewarded with ratings assigned by international rating agencies: Moodys Investors Service, Standard & Poors etc. Gazprombank was twice awarded by The Banker Magazine as The Bank of the Year in Russia in 2001 and 2005.
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  • Full borrower / issuer name
  • Sector
  • Industry
  • Announced amount
    15,000,000,000 RUB
  • Placement amount
    19,390,000 RUB
  • Outstanding amount
    19,390,000 RUB
  • Outstanding face value amount
    19,390,000 RUB
  • USD equivalent
    220,465 USD
Face value
  • Face value
    1,000 RUB
  • Outstanding face value
    *** RUB
  • Listing

Cash flow parameters

  • Business Day Convention
    Following Business Day
  • Interest Accrual Date
  • Coupon frequency
    *** time(s) per year
  • Payment currency
  • Maturity date

Early redemption terms


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  • Placement method
    Open subscription
  • Placement type
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  • Initial issue price (yield)
  • Number of trades on stock exchange
  • Geographic breakdown
  • Investor breakdown
  • Bookrunner

Conversion and exchange

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  • State registration number
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  • Date of program registration
  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • CFI
  • Issue short name on trading floor
  • Type of security by CBR


Bond classification

  • Rank: Undefined
  • Non-documentary bonds
  • Exchange bonds
  • Coupon bonds
  • Variable rate
  • Amortization
  • Callable
  • CDO
  • Convertible
  • Dual currency bonds
  • For qualified investors (CIS region)
  • Foreign bonds
  • Green bonds
  • Guaranteed
  • Inflation-linked principal
  • Supranational bond issues
  • Inflation-linked coupon
  • Mortgage bonds
  • Perpetual
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Non-Marketable Securities
  • Redemption Linked
  • Restructuring
  • Retail bonds
  • Covered
  • Securitization
  • Structured product
  • Commercial Bonds
  • Subordinated
  • Sukuk
  • Trace-eligible



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