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Domestic bonds: Central Bank of Kuwait, Bills 0% 12nov2024, KWD (182D) (646/606)

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Sukuk, Zero-coupon bonds, Bills, Senior Unsecured

240,000,000 KWD
Redemption (put/call option)
*** (-)
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Yield / Duration
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  • Placement amount
    240,000,000 KWD
  • Outstanding amount
    240,000,000 KWD
  • USD equivalent
    783,839,835.39 USD
  • Face value
    1,000 KWD

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Issue information

  • Issuer
    Go to the issuer page
    Central Bank of Kuwait
  • Full borrower / issuer name
    Central Bank of Kuwait
  • Sector
  • Placement amount
    240,000,000 KWD
  • Outstanding amount
    240,000,000 KWD
  • Outstanding face value amount
    240,000,000 KWD
  • USD equivalent
    783,839,835 USD
Face value
  • Face value
    1,000 KWD
  • Outstanding face value
    *** KWD

Cash flow parameters

  • Reference rate
  • Coupon Rate
  • Day count convention
  • Interest Accrual Date
  • Payment currency
  • Maturity date

Early redemption terms


Auctions and additional placements

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  • State registration number
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Type of security by CBR

Bond classification

  • Zero-coupon bonds
  • Senior Unsecured
  • Bills
  • Sukuk
  • Amortization
  • Callable
  • CDO
  • Convertible
  • Dual currency bonds
  • Variable rate
  • For qualified investors (CIS region)
  • Foreign bonds
  • Green bonds
  • Guaranteed
  • Inflation-linked principal
  • Supranational bond issues
  • Inflation-linked coupon
  • Mortgage bonds
  • Perpetual
  • Payment-in-kind
  • Non-Marketable Securities
  • Redemption Linked
  • Restructuring
  • Retail bonds
  • Covered
  • Securitization
  • Structured product
  • Commercial Bonds
  • Subordinated
  • Trace-eligible



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